AARP: Gen X Academy

Poised to overtake Baby Boomers in a few years, Gen X represents a vast potential new member base. However, they have proven a challenging group, with low rates of acquisition and renewal.

The Challenge: Create a premium membership offering targeted to 45 - 55 year olds, in pursuit 
of gaining one million new members over the next 
two years.

1.0 Research & Insights

We began the journey by understanding Gen X behavior and needs through a series of user interviews and secondary research. We generated a list of guiding insights and developed a perspective on what programs would be attractive to Gen X.

2.0 Notions

Our insights fueled a series of 6 notions that we tested with Gen X users. The objective was to validate and prioritize these notions, and generate new ideas, to inform the development of our final concept.

3.0 Final Concept

Our Final Concept is an evolution of the winning notions. It is driven by the vision of how might AARP become the trusted resource for life's most complicated moments?

3.1 Concept Expression

Drawing inspiration from MasterClass, we designed School of Life while prioritization intuitive navigation, efficient progress tracking, and incentivizing illustrations.

4.0 Commercial Opportunity

We modeled the total addressable market and expected number of new Gen X members for School of Life.


Shopbop: Digital Loyalty